700 Mill St. #15, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 USA
Phone +1.408.227.8631
Publication OrderLit, 2023-03
List of MRL Publications
    These publications are our technical and sales literature. They describe the test signals and their usage, and give part numbers and US$ prices for the various tape widths, speeds, equalizations, reference fluxivities, and playing times. The first publication (Choosing and Using MRL Calibration Tapes...) gives more details relative to all of  the other publications.
    These publications are available on the MRL website in pdf form unless otherwise stated. Please click on the Publication Numbers that you need.

Pub. Nr.
 ________ MRL Catalog Numbers
An explanation of the MRL Catalog Numbers, both the 6-digit and the 12-digit kinds.
 ________ Pub. Choo&U Choosing and Using MRL Calibration Tapes for Audio Tape Recorder Standardization. 12 pages. Version 5.7, 2001-10-24 (minor update) in hard-copy & in pdf
 ________ Pub. 101
Multifrequency Calibration Tapes with CCIR=IEC1 and NAB=IEC2 Equalization, for Open-Reel Applications
 ________ Pub. 101sm Multifrequency Calibration Tapes for 15 in/s with MRL "Studio Master" Equalization, for Open-Reel Applications
 ________ Pub. 107 Calibration Tapes for 48 mm/s (1.88 in/s)
 ________ Pub. 108 Multifreq. Cal. Tapes with NagraMaster Equaliz. for Open-Reel Applications
 ________ Pub. 203 Polarity Calibration Tapes (major revision  2005-07-01)
 ________ Pub. 211 Calibration Tapes for Use With Sound Technology 1500 Series
 ________ Pub. 313 Fast Swept-frequency Reproducer Calibration Tapes With 1 kHz Tone
 ________ Pub. 402 Slow Swept-frequency Reproducer Calibration Tapes
 ________ Pub. 423 Calibration Tapes for Use With Audio Precision "System One"...
 ________ Pub. 560 Single-Frequency Calibration Tapes: 1 kHz
 ________ Pub. 570 3150-Hz Flutter & Speed Test Tapes
 ________ Pub. 580 Single-Frequency Calibration Tapes: 10 kHz
 ________ Pub.611 Two-Frequency Calibration Tapes: 1kHz and 10 kHz, ½ each
 ________ Pub. 070 Three-Frequency Calibration Tapes: 1 kHz, 10 kHz, & 50 Hz, 1/3 each
 ________ Pub. 043 Four-Frequency Calibration Tapes: 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 16 kHz, & 50 Hz, ¼ each
 ________ Pub. 702 Broadband White-Noise Tapes With 1 kHz Tone
 ________ Pub. 802 Broadband Pink-Noise Tapes With 1 kHz Tone
 ________ Pub. AME
Multifrequency  Cal Tapes With Ampex Master Equalization; tech references on AME
 ________ Pub. CART Calibration Cartridges for NAB and IEC Audio Broadcast Cart. Reproducers
 ________ Pub. CHROM Short Calibration Tapes with Chromatic Sweep
 ________ Pub. SHED-2 Tape Binder Shedding
 ________ Pub. SMS1 Short Multi-Speed Calibration Tapes
 ________ Pub. SMS2a Two-Speed Short Calibration Tapes: 7.5 in/s NAB and 15 in/s NAB; 15 in/s IEC and 30 in/s AES; 15 in/s NAB and 30 in/s AES
 ________ Pub. SMS3 Two-Speed Short Calibration Tapes: The "version" numbers (second three digits only) of all of the 2-speed tapes that we have programmed. Everything in Pub SMS2a, and many more.
 ________ USA Dealers MRL USA Dealers List (by state, with names and fone numbers)
 ________ Internat. Dlrs MRL International Dealers List (by country)
 ________  PubOrder MRL Publication Order Form (this form) (HTML, not PDF)
 _______ PubPL2023 Current Price List [starting 2023-04-01] (prices only, in US$: no descriptions or part numbers -- NOT a short-form catalog.)
 ________ $TRANS Instructions for International Money Transfers (HTML)
 ________ Warranty Form Procedure for Warranty Returns, and Warranty Return Form

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